Why am I not seeing results at the gym? Discover why you’re not seeing progress and how to modify your habits for effective progress.
Why am I not seeing results at the gym? Do different things
Do you feel stuck at the gym? It’s time for a strategic reset. Take a few days to rest and reflect. Is it the diet? The workout? It’s okay to ask for help. Ask, read, consult with a professional. Identify obstacles and motivate yourself to change.
Stop changing your routine: the key is consistency
Once you have a routine designed with your trainer, don’t change it! Commit to it for at least a month. Avoid the temptation of “popular” Instagram exercises.
You shouldn’t constantly change your exercise routine because your body needs time to adapt and progress with the exercises you are doing. When you change your routine too often, you don’t allow your muscles to get used to and improve in strength and endurance. Also, each type of exercise has its specific benefits that accumulate over time.
It’s wise to maintain a consistent exercise routine for at least 4 to 6 weeks before considering making significant changes. During this time, your muscles will adapt, and you can better measure the results of your effort. Then, you can make gradual adjustments, such as increasing the weight, repetitions, or changing some exercises to continue challenging your body effectively.
The Diet: the decisive factor for your goals
Diet plays a fundamental role in how our body changes. It’s like the fuel we give our car: if we want it to run well and be efficient, we need the right type of fuel. The same goes for our body.
A proper diet provides us with the necessary nutrients to stay healthy and active and helps us achieve our fitness and weight loss goals. Without a proper diet, it’s much harder to see significant changes in our body composition, even if we exercise regularly.
Maybe dessert after lunch is your weakness, opt for low-sugar alternatives, or adjust your morning routine with a green juice without orange juice, just with water.
Diet defines everything. I recommend that for a week, you keep a food diary. What do you eat every day? You might be surprised to learn that a simple yogurt, some chips, or a soda could be hindering your progress.
Now, depending on your goals, make sure you’re in a calorie deficit to lose fat or a surplus to gain muscle. That’s why you should consult a nutritionist to determine your daily caloric needs and the best food options for you. And above all, don’t pay and not comply. Commit to following their plan.
Why am I not seeing results at the gym? Control cortisol
Cortisol is a hormone our body produces in response to stress. It affects how we store fat, especially around the abdomen. When we’re stressed, cortisol can make our body retain more fat, making it harder to lose weight even if we’re exercising and eating well. Therefore, controlling stress and finding ways to relax can be key to achieving our weight loss goals.
Stress and cortisol can sabotage your efforts. Accept that not every day will be perfect. Build healthy habits and reduce stress. Don’t obsess over counting every gram. To feel good and look better on your vacation, aim for a sustainable lifestyle.
Break out of the routine with dance classes, Pilates, cycling, or swimming. Change “I can’t” to “I can.” The key is to enjoy the process and move joyfully towards your fitness goals.
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